PsychoPy is an Open Source project, the users have access to the code and can contribute at any time! That kind of means the team is technically huge!
In terms of the “core team” , thanks to Pavlovia users and grants we can now fund staff to work on developing the tools and supporting users.
We can’t teach you all of PsychoPy (even in 3 days!). But we can hopefully give you some ideas about what’s possible and how to get started.
It’s Psychology software in Python
PsychoPy is a Python library, an script editor (Coder) an application with a GUI (Builder)
It is, itself, entirely written in Python
The aim is to enable scientists to run as wide a range of experiments as possible, as easily as possible, with standard computer hardware.
A single piece of software:
It’s hard to make something easy enough for undergrads and novices but flexible enough for everything else.
PsychoPy provides two main options, coder view and builder view. But you can also use code inside builder view - which is what we recommend.
The Coder view is used to create experiments from Python scripts
Fig. 1 The Builder view is used to create experiments visually
Our experiments are almost always in Builder, with added Code Components. I don’t ever break out and switch to pure code.
I do use code for other things, like making my ‘conditions’ .csv files, making stimuli and customizing the experiments.
PsychoPy is changing rapidly, especially now it has full-time programmers
You don’t want your study to change part-way through, but you do want to be able to update your software
PsychoPy experiments have a setting called useVersion that works for Builder/Python/JS experiments. Ideally: