More information on Git workflow

You have already practiced this workflow, but here is some more information

Steps on the way to a pull request

  1. stage (local copy)
  2. commit (local copy)
  3. push (local copy to origin)
  4. pull request (origin to upstream)
  5. clean up (if you’re working on a branch you created)

What does Git track?

Step 1: Stage your changes

All that said…

Step 2: The commit

2a: The commit message prefix

Why the prefix?

2b: The prefix for translations

2c: The commit message itself

2d: a description (optional)

NOTE: All that said, messages alone should suffice in almost all translation cases

2e: Commit

Step 3: Push to origin

Why two steps? A push then a pull request?

NOTE: You can make a pull request directly from GitHub Desktop, but I’m not completely sure what the implications of that are. I’m scared of it, to be honest.

3a: how to push to origin in GitHub Desktop

Step 4: The pull request

4a: “Pull request”???

4b: Go to the right branch on GitHub

4c: Make the pull request

4c1: Double-checking source and destination

4c2: Source and destination

4d: Double-checking changes

WARNING: If you see many more file changes than you were expecting, then you might be on the wrong branch

NOTE: If it says There isn’t anything to compare, you probably didn’t yet push the commit from your local copy to origin

4e: Will your changes merge?

4f: What if they did not?

4g1: Adding a description

4g2: Is a description necessary?

4h: Extra responsibility

4i: Subsequent commits

5: Continual Git workflow



On to A strategy for later on